Tree Biomass Estimation in Karst Forest of West Papua, Indonesia

Andes Hamuraby Rozak
Destri Destri
Zaenal Mutaqien
Published: Dec 30, 2021
Keywords: allometric model, carbon, climate change, REDD+, specific wood density


Indonesia is estimated to have 14,5 million hectares of karst areas. The characteristic of karst vegetation is specific, one of which is the dominance of small trees. With all of the potency, their vegetation acts as a significant carbon sequester and store it in biomass. This study aims to estimate and discuss biomass estimation in the karst forest within the Nature Recreational Park of Beriat, a protected area in South Sorong, West Papua. A total of 28 plots were made in the forest using the purposive random sampling method. Tree biomass (DBH 10 cm) was estimated using five different allometric equations. The results showed that the biomass was estimated at ca. 264 Mg ha-1 (95 % CI: 135-454 Mg ha-1). While small trees (DBH 10 – 30 cm) only contribute 30 % of the total biomass, about 38 % of the biomass is the contribution of large trees (DBH >50 cm), where Pometia pinnata contributes ca. 39 % of the biomass at plot-level. The use of various allometric equations results in different biomass estimates and biases with deviations ranged from -14.78 % to +17.02 % compared to the reference equation. Therefore, the selection of allometric equations used must be considered carefully to reduce uncertainties in biomass estimation.

Andes , A. H. R., Destri , D. D., & Zaenal , Z. M. (2021). Tree Biomass Estimation in Karst Forest of West Papua, Indonesia. Jurnal Wasian, 8(2), 75-86.

Zaenal Mutaqien, Pusat Riset Konservasi Tumbuhan dan Kebun Raya – Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN)

Kebun Raya Cibodas, Jl. Kebun Raya Cibodas, Cipanas, Cianjur 43253 Jawa Barat