Conflict of Interest Policy


The integrity of scientific research depends on the transparency and disclosure of potential conflicts of interest. A conflict of interest exists when there is a divergence between an individual’s private interests and their professional responsibilities such that an independent observer might reasonably question whether the individual's behavior or judgment is influenced by their competing interests.

Wasian Journal is committed to ensuring that potential conflicts of interest are disclosed and managed appropriately in order to maintain trust in the scholarly publishing process.

Authors' Responsibilities

Authors must disclose any financial or personal relationships that could be viewed as influencing the research they present in their manuscripts. These may include, but are not limited to:

  • Financial interests: Employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimony, or patent applications or registrations related to the work.
  • Personal relationships: Relationships with other individuals that might bias the work.
  • Academic competition: Situations where academic competition could be perceived to influence the research.

Authors should include a "Conflict of Interest Statement" at the end of their manuscript before the references section, detailing any potential conflicts. If there are no conflicts to declare, authors should include the following statement: "The authors declare no conflicts of interest."

Reviewers' Responsibilities

Reviewers must disclose any potential conflicts of interest before accepting an invitation to review a manuscript. If a conflict is identified, reviewers should decline to review the manuscript and suggest alternative reviewers if possible. Reviewers should consider:

  • Financial interests: Similar to those listed for authors.
  • Personal relationships: Relationships with the authors that could influence the review.
  • Intellectual bias: Strong professional or intellectual positions that could affect the objectivity of the review.

If a conflict arises during the review process, the reviewer should contact the editor to discuss the appropriate course of action.

Editors' Responsibilities

Editors must avoid conflicts of interest when making decisions on manuscripts. They should recuse themselves from handling manuscripts where they have a conflict, such as:

  • Financial interests: Similar to those listed for authors and reviewers.
  • Personal relationships: Close personal or professional relationships with authors.
  • Intellectual bias: Situations where the editor’s own work competes with the manuscript under consideration.

Editors should ensure that the review process is handled fairly and impartially, and that any conflicts of interest are disclosed and managed appropriately.

Managing Conflicts of Interest

Wasian Journal will manage conflicts of interest in a transparent and responsible manner. If a conflict of interest is identified after publication, the journal will issue a correction or retraction as necessary.

All disclosures of potential conflicts of interest will be included in the published article. If a conflict of interest is discovered after publication and was not disclosed at the time of submission, the journal will take appropriate action, which may include publishing a correction or retracting the article.

Disclosure Process

All authors, reviewers, and editors are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest to the journal during the submission or review process. Disclosures should be made in writing and included as part of the manuscript or review process.

For authors, the disclosure should be included in the manuscript as a separate section before the references. For reviewers and editors, disclosures should be made to the editorial office when accepting the manuscript or invitation to review.


By adhering to this Conflict of Interest policy, Wasian Journal aims to uphold the highest standards of integrity and transparency in the publication process, ensuring that all research is evaluated and published without bias.