Published: 30 June 2022

Locals’ Claims of Rights and Access to Forest Resources in Three Forest Management Regimes in Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta

Muhammad Iqbal Nur Madjid, Dwiko Budi Permadi, Wahyu Wardhana, Ratih Madya Septiana (Author)
Pages: 01 - 12 | DOI icon 10.62142/njvbws14 | Check for updates

The Analyses of Forest Fire Vulnerability at Taman Hutan Raya (Tahura) Nipa-Nipa Kendari City

Sahindomi Bana, Wa Ode Nur Hasanah, Laode Sabaruddin, Hasbullah Syaf, Lies Indriyani, Junartin Teke, La Gandri (Author)
Pages: 13 - 29 | DOI icon 10.62142/jyntyw26 | Check for updates

Conflict Variety and the Facilitation Role of Forest Managemen Unit (FMU) on Resolution of Tenurial Conflict

Golar Golar, Hasriani Muis, Wahyu Syahputra Simorangkir (Author)
Pages: 30 - 47 | DOI icon 10.62142/96h0sa84 | Check for updates

Preservation Efforts of Pranajiwa (Euchresta horsfieldii (Lesch.) Benn.) Based on Tri Hita Karana by Balinese Community

Rubangi Al Hasan, Krisnawati Krisnawati, Anita AD Rahayu (Author)
Pages: 48 - 62 | DOI icon 10.62142/mcxb2952 | Check for updates

Vegetation Characteristics of The Maleo Bird (Macrochepalon maleo) Habitat at Natural Tourism Park of Towuti Lake, South Sulawesi

Hadijah Azis Karim, Nardy Noerman Najib, Nada Sofyan (Author)
Pages: 63 - 73 | DOI icon 10.62142/bpc0tb21 | Check for updates

Study of Economic Value of Water for Domestic and Agricultural Uses in Grojogan Sewu Nature Tourism Parkwater Conservation

Dyah Arum Kusumaningsih, Kanti Suraningsih, Dwi Sri Nuryanti, Arif Irawan, Marciano Borges Ximenes, Indah Susilowati (Author)
Pages: 74 - 85 | DOI icon 10.62142/dq7kg764 | Check for updates