Peer Review Process

Every article submitted undergoes an initial evaluation by the Wasian Editor. This assessment includes checking for relevance to the journal’s focus and scope, adherence to submission guidelines, and overall quality. In this step, we also check for plagiarism using an AI detector. If the article does not meet these criteria, we immediately reject it and notify the authors. 

For articles that pass the initial assessment, the next step involves sending the article to expert reviewers for a rigorous double-blind peer-review process.
The reviewers, who are experts in the relevant field, thoroughly evaluate the article's substantial and technical aspects.  The Wasian Editor assesses the feedback again after the peer review. The Wasian Editor sends the article back to the author for further revision, potentially involving multiple rounds of revision, if necessary. After this process, we reject articles that do not meet the necessary standards. Therefore, authors must accurately address the reviewers' and editor's comments in their revisions to ensure acceptance. 

However, the article receives acceptance for publication if the reviewers recommend it and the revisions align with the editorial standards. Once accepted, the article goes through copyediting and production stages before its official publication. 
The peer reviewers associated with this process are distinguished experts in their fields, with significant experience in managing and contributing to high-impact journals. Their involvement ensures the quality and credibility of the published work.