Aims and Scope

Journal Information

Wasian Journal is a semester international journal publishing the finest peer-reviewed research in forest conservation, landuse transformations, and cutting-edge technogly of forest. The journal is published online and fully open access to the public, its rapid international dissemination of startle research finding.

Aims & Scope

The purpose of this journal is to promote scientific research that has a significant impact and contribution to the global community. The journal's outcomes are believed to contribute to the long-term sustainability and balance of forests and land. We are completely dedicated to disseminating the most recent research findings that are unique and open to rigorous debate in order to achieve the highest possible publication quality.

We welcome valuable contribution from researchers and academics collaborating on relevant topics such as forest conservation, land use transformations, and  the cutting-edge of applied technology (not limited in geoSLAM, AI, Machine learning, Big Data, Drones/UAV, geospatial technolgy).