Cover Wasian Journal

About the Journal

Wasian Journal is a semester-long international journal publishing the finest peer-reviewed research in conservation, forest, and land transformations. This journal publishes online and provides full, open access to the public, and there is no fee for article processing charge (APC). We evaluate it based on international publication standards while maintaining rigorous peer-review criteria. We genuinely value your time and our own, which is why we are equally committed to ensuring efficient and effective publishing times.

E-ISSN 2502-5198 and P-ISSN 2355-9969

Vol. 11 No. 2 (2024): December

Published: 1 December 2024

Assessing Agroforestry Impact on Household Income: A Study of the Bu’u Bei Community Forest (HKm) in Tina Bani Village, Ende, Indonesia

Elfrida Kastila Ine Tiga, Lusia Sulo Marimpan, Astin Elise Mau, Nixon Rammang (Author)
Pages: 01-15 | DOI icon 10.62142/5jw1by08 | Check for updates

Optimising Growing Media Composition and Seed Selection Strategies For the Conversation of the Endangered Sandalwood (Santalum album Linn.)

Agustina Sumarni Ciputri Blolok, Wilhelmina Seran, Astin Elise Mau, Muhamad Soimin (Author)
Pages: 10-19 | DOI icon 10.62142/93nr9m09 | Check for updates

Analysis of the Success and Vigour of Cashew Seedlings Through Direct Seed Planting (Anacardium occidentale L.) for Sustainable Land Management

Asikin Muchtar, Nirwana Nirwana, Wahyullah Wahyullah, Mahmud Mahmud, Ummu Kultsum (Author)
Pages: 20-26 | DOI icon 10.62142/k2c42y88 | Check for updates

Recognition and Analysis of Pest-Induced Damage in Mangrove Ecosystems: A Case Study in Maros Coastal Region

Muh Faisal Mappiasse, Andi Nurul Mukhlisa (Author)
Pages: 27-38 | DOI icon 10.62142/syae7z28 | Check for updates

Understanding Generation Z's Ecotourism Motivation and Perception in Central Sulawesi

Afief Rif'an, Fadjri Maarif, Delima Ayu Gustina Situmorang (Author)
Pages: 39-46 | DOI icon 10.62142/4wsdga12 | Check for updates

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  • June. 30, 2021

The diversity, distribution and conservation of Bali Island

The diversity, distribution and conservation of Bali’s Medinillain Eka Karya Bali Botanical Garden

This study aims to determine the diversity, distribution and conservation activities of Bali’s medinilla at the Eka Karya Bali Botanical Garden.

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  • Nugroho and Riyanto
  • June. 30, 2020

Study of light intensity in riparian zone of teak production forest 

study case in KHDTK Cemoro Modang

Riparian vegetation in teak production forests is dominated by teak plantation with low species diversity. Rehabilitation is needed to increase the role of vegetation in protecting riparian zone

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