Dynamic of the Land Use and Land Cover Change in Banyuwangi Regency From 1995-2019

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Nurlita Indah Wahyuni
Abdul Wahid Hasyim
Soemarmo Soemarmo


The land use and land cover change phenomenon has become one concern over many regions worldwide, including Indonesia. Land use and land cover change due to human activities triggered alteration terrestrial ecosystems and its services including climate control functions. The study aimed to analyze land use and land cover change in Banyuwangi regency during 1995 – 2019. Four satellite images from acquisition year 1995, 2000, 2014 and 2019 were used to analyze the spatial and temporal changes along with field observations. The classification processes of land use and land cover included determination of training areas, supervised classification, and accuracy assessment. There are 12 land use and land cover based on supervised classification as follow primary forest, secondary forest, plantation forest, mangrove forest, plantation, settlement, cropland, paddy field, shrubs, water, fishpond and barren land. The result showed during observation period of 1995 until 2019 land use and land cover which tends to decrease are secondary forest, mangrove forest, and rice fields. On the other hand, the area of settlements, shrubs and fishponds were increased significantly.

Article Details

Nurlita , N. I. W., Hasyim, A. W. H., & Soemarmo , S. S. (2021). Dynamic of the Land Use and Land Cover Change in Banyuwangi Regency From 1995-2019. Jurnal Wasian, 8(2), 121-132. https://doi.org/10.62142/2vab3c95

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