Published: 31 December 2023

Livelihood Assets of Lantebung Mangrove Ecotourism Community

Adrayanti Sabar, Emban Ibnu Rusyid, Fitrah Diana, Ansar Ansar, Nur Annisa, Wening Ila Idzatilangi, Chinty Agustiningrum (Author)
Pages: 01-10 | DOI icon 10.62142/3w65rp54 | Check for updates
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Planting of Nectar Plants as Feed of Butterflies Imago in Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park

Heri Suryanto, Albert Donatus Mangopang (Author)
Pages: 11-17 | DOI icon 10.62142/g2s0xx92 | Check for updates
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Fostering Sustainabel Livelihood of the Saga Indigenous Community through Conservation Partnership in Kelimutu National Park, Nusa Tenggara Timur

Bertila Avila Delvion, Dwiko Budi Permadi, Hero Marhaento (Author)
Pages: 18-24 | DOI icon 10.62142/esswj444 | Check for updates
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Evaluating the Success of Watershed Rehabilitation Efforts in Gowa Regency: A Case Study on Forest and Land Restoration

Jauhar Mukti, Hikmah hikmah, Hendra Kurniawan, Ahmad Sabri, Budi Arty, Yuslan Demma Semu (Author)
Pages: 33-37 | DOI icon 10.62142/b2whzj27 | Check for updates
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