Published: 31 December 2023

Livelihood Assets of Lantebung Mangrove Ecotourism Community

Adrayanti Sabar, Emban Ibnu Rusyid, Fitrah Diana, Ansar Ansar, Nur Annisa, Wening Ila Idzatilangi, Chinty Agustiningrum (Author)
Pages: 01-10 | DOI icon 10.62142/3w65rp54 | Check for updates

Planting of Nectar Plants as Feed of Butterflies Imago in Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park

Heri Suryanto, Albert Donatus Mangopang (Author)
Pages: 11-17 | DOI icon 10.62142/g2s0xx92 | Check for updates

Fostering Sustainabel Livelihood of the Saga Indigenous Community through Conservation Partnership in Kelimutu National Park, Nusa Tenggara Timur

Bertila Avila Delvion, Dwiko Budi Permadi, Hero Marhaento (Author)
Pages: 18-24 | DOI icon 10.62142/esswj444 | Check for updates

Community Perceptions and Preferences Toward Tourism Village Development in Kojadoi Village, East Alok Subdistrict, Sikka Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province

Hananu Wisnu Wardana, Muthmainnah Muthmainnah , Hasanuddin Molo, Rahmat Ariandi (Author)
Pages: 25-32 | DOI icon 10.62142/zc8v1a74 | Check for updates

Evaluating the Success of Watershed Rehabilitation Efforts in Gowa Regency: A Case Study on Forest and Land Restoration

Jauhar Mukti, Hikmah hikmah, Hendra Kurniawan, Ahmad Sabri, Budi Arty, Yuslan Demma Semu (Author)
Pages: 33-37 | DOI icon 10.62142/b2whzj27 | Check for updates