Published: 30 December 2021

Tree Biomass Estimation in Karst Forest of West Papua, Indonesia

Andes Hamuraby Rozak, Destri Destri, Zaenal Mutaqien (Author)
Pages: 75-86 | DOI icon 10.62142/n849nb87 | Check for updates
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Evaluating the ‘Texting, Sharing and Mentoring’ Method Applied in Community Empowerment Program Based On Trigona Laeviceps Stingless Beekeeping Adoption in Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta

Mochammad Sofiyulloh, Dwiko B Permadi, Wahyu Tri Widayanti, Emma Soraya (Author)
Pages: 87-102 | DOI icon 10.62142/5abmvk85 | Check for updates
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The Diversity, Distribution and Conservation of Bali’s Medinilla in Eka Karya Bali Botanical Garden

Ni Putu Sri Asih, I Gusti Made Sudirga, I Gede - Tirta (Author)
Pages: 103-113 | DOI icon 10.62142/hkf44n58 | Check for updates
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The Success of Root Cuttings is Endangered Kalapi (Kalappia celebica Kosterm.) by Giving Rootone-F Growth Regulator

Febriyani , Faisal Danu Tuheteru, Asrianti Arif, Husna Husna (Author)
Pages: 115-120 | DOI icon 10.62142/qej0tv28 | Check for updates
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Dynamic of the Land Use and Land Cover Change in Banyuwangi Regency From 1995-2019

Nurlita Indah Wahyuni, Abdul Wahid Hasyim, Soemarmo Soemarmo (Author)
Pages: 121-132 | DOI icon 10.62142/2vab3c95 | Check for updates
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The Effect of Invigoration Using Polyethylene Glycol And Ultra Fine Bubble on Improving of Sengon Seeds (Falcataria Moluccana Miq.) Quality After Two Years Storage

Iskandar Z Siregar, Riki Ramdhani, Evayusvita Rustam, Dede J Sudrajat (Author)
Pages: 133-143 | DOI icon 10.62142/gssde457 | Check for updates
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